benefits of vaping

Anyone who’s ever tried an e-cig already knows the myriad of ways this technology is superior to cigarettes. It’s really a no-brainer decision once you’ve tried it. Most everyone starts off with the disposables and most progress to a more refined approach to enjoying their favorite past-time. Gone are the days of lurking around work or home to get in a few puffs, smelling like a burnout, and injecting a staggering number of harsh chemicals into your body each time you go for a smoke. It’s truly a horrible habit. Lucky for us the future has arrived! You can now get the same enjoyment or fix of smoking a cigarette without all of the “extra” stuff the tobacco companies add.

Here we will present to you some of the benefits of vaping vs. smoking a cigarette

You will reap the benefits of a life without cigarettes and cigarette smoke
Most enjoy the transition from cigarettes to vaping.
Most people are able to quit smoking cigarettes completely and forever
You will save a lot of money
Your car won’t stink
Your clothes won’t stink
You won’t stink
No smell
No tar
No Carbon Monoxide
No Cyanide
No Lead
None of the other 4000 toxins found in tobacco cigarettes
No smoke breaks
Nobody bumming smokes off you
No cigarette butts
No littering the environment with cigarette butts
You won’t need to bum a light, just a power source.